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Galaxy R 升級4.0失敗(第1頁) - SAMSUNG (Android) - Mobile01 我用Kies升級的友更新版本了也是不能用@@ 一直出現這個韓文的請各位大大幫忙 解答T.T.
三星正式公佈Android 4.0更新詳情Android 中文資訊網 www.hk-android.info - Android 中文資訊網 www.hk-android.info 昨日, 三星正式公佈確認Galaxy S II, Galaxy Note以及Galaxy Tab可獲得Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich更新. Galaxy S II與Galaxy Note將於2012年第一季進行更新, 而Galaxy R及各種Galaxy Tab亦會緊隨更新. 而三星列出的可升級手機列表如下:
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 GT-P7500 Upgrade to Official Android ICS 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich Firmware P The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 GT-P7500 already receives the first firmware update released in Italy with firmware build P7500XXLQ8 and the WiFi version GT-P7510 in UK. Samsung already began rolling out the official Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich for Andro
Upgrade Samsung Galaxy Pop/Mini GTS5570 to Gingerbread 2.3.4 Hi Yagya! Yes I do have a samsung galaxy pop and I like this phone very much. I even made my close friends get this phone. I read your article on upgrading to gingerbread, but frankly I am still not confident enough to do that manually on my own. I would
Samsung galaxy R 升級問題- Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2013年3月26日 - 如提請問Samsung galaxy R 可以從安卓2.3升到4.0 ?謝謝大大+20.
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Upgrade for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 GT-P5113 to 4.2.2 Official Update P5113UEUCMH2 - Android Firmw The official Android 4.2.2 update for United States version of Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 WiFi (GT-P5113) is now live and starts rolling in the form of firmware build numbers P5113UEUCMH2. As I said, the update brings the device OS bumps to 4.2.2 from whic